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Providing Everything You Need

I take pride in my work and my services are my labour of passion to add value to my clients, friend and community.


One of the three personal values I hold dearly is to feel fulfilled in the task, work and project that I do or execute with my team.  My communication and dealing with clients and friend are in line with my two other values which is integrity and honesty so you will find communication and working with me are straight forward and I am an open book in practicing my profession and passionate work.


Through my decades of practicing image consulting, branding and people management.

I have grown into specializing in 7 services.


  1. Personal Image & Brand Consulting

  2. Employees and Corporate Branding

  3. Leadership Gravitas & Professional Presence Coaching

  4. Public Speaking & Presenting with Impact for Introverts

  5. Corporate Training

  6. Keynote Speaker

  7. Training Individuals to Become Certified Image Consultant


Personal Image & Brand Consulting

Your visual and presence reveal the essence of you. Hence if you not creating your personal image and branding intentionally then you are missing out on leveraging on your unique self.


This is a series of one to one online or face-to-face consulting that beside you rendering me an opportunity to work with you to bring out your inner essence into your outer presence (you get to discover your unique self, inner essence and how your can showcase your uniqueness through clothing language, body language and other non-verbal communication techniques), we will eventually become friends that offer me the privilege to witness your transformation. So, thanks in advance.

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Employees and Corporate Branding

Employee and corporate branding are essential in the current time as a consumer is looking at buying services and products from business establishment and organization that has a Brand Story and its employees are the organization’s Brand Ambassador. Together with my team that back by decades of experience in Brand Strategy, we are here to work with you to bring the soul of your business and company to have a life on its own – an Authentic Brand Story that will last for many years.

Ana Cheong Branding
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Leadership Gravitas &

Professional Presence Coaching

If you are looking for a career or business advancement, having a ‘Presence’ will attract to you the opportunities that you can act on and advance in your professional life. This is our specialty; in fact, this is the first service that we provide decades ago. We are passionate about personal development and professional advancement. We believe and witness many success stories of our clients and now they are our friends. So if you are looking for advancing in life and wanting to live a fulfilled life, contact us right at this moment. This is for you. We are excited to level up your Professional and Leadership Presence and witness the magic that happens after that. See you!

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We facilitate corporate training all year round online and face-to-face training for decades. Our team is experienced, fun and engaging. We customized the training program to your organization’s needs so no two training are the same, because, besides customization of programs, we love to reinvent the content. Our participants have feedback to us that they enjoy our program flow and rich content; and most importantly they are engaged by our team of experts that share, educate and guide with practical knowledge and applications complete with case studies. We look forward to serving your organization’s training needs.

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Corporate Training

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I remember the first time, decades ago that I was invited to speak to an audience of 500 people, I am an introvert and have butterflies in my stomach and almost fainted on the day of presentation. Fast forward now, I enjoy speaking, sharing, and engaging with large crowds and certainly, the size of the audience is increasing as my age is increasing. Funny but is true. Experiences counts and my passion in the field of image, branding, and people management has connected me with many people, communities, the underprivileged, the deaf community, and many more. I feel this work is like a service to the communities that allow me to practice diversity and inclusion in my everyday life because the audience that I address each time is just not the same. I get to enjoy both the personal connection with individuals and the group as a whole.

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Keynote Speaker

Perhaps this is the most intricate of my services that I offered. It was also the segment of services that I took years of contemplation to offer to the general public. Coming to almost 2 decades of teaching and guiding individuals to be a Certified Image Consultant, I embrace the intricacy of my teaching career that comes with mentoring and coaching our students. It is truly fulfilling and heart-warming. If you love to look and be confident and are thinking of helping others to do the same, our “Transformational Image Consulting Course” is for you. You will learn all the technical knowledge of colors, art, design element and how it applies to your clients to transform that to be their best version.


This is a course that will transform your life and the way you perceive about the world and certainly you will gain the knowledge and know-how to work hand-in-hand with your client in their personal transformation journey. Your sincerity, dedication and labour in this career will provides your fulfilment in life.

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Training Individuals to Become
Certified Image Consultant

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